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Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Walking through the shadow of death..

Remember the prayer of serenity, Lord help me change the things that I can and help me accept the things I cannot change?

I'm convinced that right there is the recipe to overcome any spiritual hardship or challenge in life. There are things we will never understand why they happen in life.Our nature always looks for answers, for someone to blame, as if blame will change or solve anything. Many times we are very much concerned about winning the battle, when we should be focusing on the entire war.

I have realized that courage is really a difficult thing. When you step out of your comfort zone and confront that which has been holding you captive, fear will haunt you 24/7, and fight hard to confuse you and prove you wrong.It will appeal to your nature, your need to understand everything, the need to be understood, accepted and the need to belong etc. I understand today what the Bible meant by 'commit your plans to the Lord and He will make them succeed', because if He is the foundation for your decision, He will carry you through that shadow of death.

He will give you the strength to accept the things you cannot change. The ability to discern the big difference between winning the battle and winning the war. As you walk through that shadow of death, don't concern yourself about understanding it all, but concern yourself about things that will add value in your life.

Even if you were to receive all the facts and have full understanding of why that tragedy or challenge came into your life, would it change the fact it did? Would it make the pain any lesser? You know what my dear friend, it will not... one thing we have complete control over in this world is our actions and reactions. The sooner we change the things that we need to change and accept the things we cannot change, the better are our chances of winning the war against the evil that's gunning for our souls.

I guess at the shadow of death is where we prove our faith and trust in God, coz if we really trust Him, we surrender and His rod and His staff comforts us, we rest in the confidence that His will and purposes prevail always.