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Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Where there's a promise, there's intent..

Why is sperm called seed? Self explanatory u might say right...but how readily do we realize the powerful lessons hidden in the nature around us?

Think with me therefore...what really is a seed? In my words a seed is a promise....one that we bury in the ground with the intention to receive a return. The beauty of it all being its ability to multiply and give us more than we actually planted. My dad planted his seed on my mom’s womb and I was born and I was born with a womb that can receive seed and give birth as many times as I want. I was born one but can die multiplied if u get my drift.

Now the reality of this life is things do not always go as planned. Not often do we reap what we sow...at times seeds can be planted on infertile soil, can be eroded by floods but doesn’t make them any less of a promise for multiplication. However, a seed planted on fertile soil, n sprouts to life is a beginning of a journey to perfection. It never sprouts complete but it undergoes different stages until it can be considered full grown n ready to give its own fruit.

You and I were one of the promises that our father planted on our mother’s womb. So here is my point...where there is promise, there is intent to keep it. Regardless of what cards life has dealt you...only you know what stands between you and a complete you, yet whatever it is...it doesn’t change the facts. The fact is you are here now, a promise realized and the intent is for you to realize your great potential.

No matter how many times you have been knocked down and disappointed do not give up, you made it this far, yes perhaps bruised and wounded but who cares, you are still here and you are here to multiply. My pastor said something that blew my mind this past weekend, he said “ Delay is not denial”...and just like you I was uhm...dude, I’ve heard that many times...blah, blah, blah...until he compared that statement to the story of the Lord Jesus 1st miracle of changing water to wine.

When the wine finished at that wedding, Mary came to her son, obviously coz she knew he was a special person who could actually do something about that matter, yet her son answers harshly and claims his hour has not come yet. She goes away disappointed maybe but still goes to the workers and says do whatever he tells u...we all know what happened thereafter, water was changed to wine...not just any wine but the best wine of the day.Right there it all made sense to me...Mary knew the promise she received in her son...even though he had seem to delay in reacting but he had not really denied. And when he finally did react they received the best wine. I am a seed, a promise that’s waiting to be realized to its fullness. Regardless of any obstacle, different up and downs, past victories or defeats, I am a promise and there’s intent to realize me until I give birth to other seeds and circle continues.

I therefore refuse to be a living corpse. I choose to be like Mary n “do whatever he tells u do” per say. Whatever I have to do to better my life I will do. I will take a very close interest in my own life as I do the lives of those I celebrate. From this point on, it matters what choices I’m making, what people I call friends, what influences I allow in my life. I am a seed realized...and the best is yet to come. Just as the wine the Lord Jesus gave was the best....my life from now on will be the best ever, simply because I know better. I have my old life to compare to and create something much better.

You are as much a promise a I am...and the intent is just the same...but unless you to do what you have to do, you run a big risk of being either miscarried or worse be born handicapped and stand no chance of ever being complete or worst come n go and be forgotten and that’s a crying shame.....

ZeeK love...