Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Women's Day Love from Zee

They say: Woman, learn to accept yourself coz there will always be someone prettier than you
I say: Pretty by whose standards? Define pretty….I’m a spiritual being destined for eternity, yr boxes will not contain or define me.

They say: Woman, you can be anything you want to be
I say: Who said I need your permission? I am everything I want to be, saying I can means there’s room for failure, how do I fail at being what I AM?

They say: Woman, you can do everything a man can do and do it better
I say: Yeah right, thank you but no thanks I’m comfortable being a woman and am not here to compete with any man

They say: Woman, you can never be in leadership coz you are very emotional
I say: Do not project your insecurities on me

They say: Woman, you should not in any way admit that you’re a sexual being or have an opinion as far as yours sexuality is concerned
I say: Again, do not project your insecurities on me, or are you afraid if I did speak about my sexuality it will expose your selfishness n short comings?

They say: Woman, you need a man to survive in this world
I say: As much as I would love to share my world with a man, he is not my world, as long as I have my faith and mind I will survive this world just fine.


From Zee to you my darling women….never forget that you are more than your looks, education and circumstances. Do not fall victim or prisoner of other people’s opinion of what acceptable and grand is. You ARE all you wanna be as long as you trust n practice your faith and apply your mind and free yourself from your own limitations. This world can only see you thru your own eyes. Do not strive for perfection, but be sincere with yourself in your own dealings. Know that this world will always be harsh simply coz you are a woman and it perceives you as weak and inferior. Whatever you do, never write yourself off….if you are not happy with anything you have done, accept that, learn your lesson and do better next time…..stay teachable always. Engrave this in your heart: CREATION was not complete without YOU!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stay in your lane...

Often a time, when we as humans are faced with situations that seem to challenge us, we have the tendency to react defensively. Others go the venomous, malicious, degrading, name calling, judgmental and talk down at route, while others go the pity me, why me, victim mentality route, while others take the most pretentious self elevating, I don’t care what you think of me route, while very few take the most simple, yet effective think before you act/speak route.

 Let me get straight to the point: nothing in this world is permanent. Today’s weakling can be tomorrow’s life changing hero, whilst today’s hero can be tomorrow’s disgrace. The power is in our minds. Before you react to your challenges think about what that challenge is bringing into your life. The easier it is for you to take offense is directly related to how weak and underfed yr mind is. Do yourself a favor and be your best friend always. Instead of worrying about other people’s opinion of you, worry about the fact that their opinion bothers you that much.

 Take your power back; know that people’s reactions to you are nothing but feedback. Use that feedback to better yourself and your stance in this world. It’s not meant to define you but to refine you. It is never about whether the feedback is true or not, but about what it is meant to teach you about you. You are an eternal being; refuse to live for today when you are destined for forever. Look inside you and be real about you see. Have the courage to ask what are you doing to make this world’s reaction to you better or worse, change what is necessary and life goes on. Stay teachable, and do not let this world dictate your worth and hold you captive to your past and bad decisions.

 Just as the season’s change, the course of your life can too. People can write you off but do not ever write yourself off. If you choose life and start applying your mind accordingly, life will choose you right back. Stay in your lane and concern yourself about the only person you have complete power over and that person is YOU. Remember, we are the world. It is not on the outside but inside each of us, if we change n better ourselves, we change and better the world…..it is never too late!!!

 ZeeK Love...