Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Friday, May 7, 2010

What use is it really to know God?

Truth be told, unless we know who we are, it is absolutely of no use for us to know God….period. Everything that we learn and hear about God is nothing but mere words unless we bring it to life when it is manifested in our lives.

Believers who know who they are do not wait or beg for opportunities. They do not crumble and die under misunderstandings and injustices. They do not plead with the devil to stop interfering with their lives. They do not follow or serve God under compulsion. Most of all they never wait to receive hand outs from no man. They take God at His word and never compromise at all.

We are the key to unlock all our blessings. Our attitude, our actions of faith, our determination, our drive, and our forcefulness is all we need to see and taste that God is indeed good. Unless you really embrace who you are or who you become when you receive and accept the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it is definitely of no use for you to know God. Simply because God can and will only be manifested to this world through you, other than that He remains a beautiful story.

Right there is the greatest blessing about being born of God. He walks this earth through you, just as He said to Moses I have made you god over Pharaoh, so I dare to say if you are born of God, you are god over your life so start acting one!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You've got this, really...trust me.

I think one of the most unfortunate things with us believers is our inability to discern life seasons. We will never be able to reach the fullness of our potential or use our faith to the maximum unless we are able to understand what season we're at.

Granted you believe in God, but how much do you believe in yourself? God is trusting in you to manifest His greatness to the world. Yes to the world, not to each other as Christians or just within the walls of our place of worship. But out there, in our families, our workplaces, yes out there in the world. God is making all these investments in us daily through His word with a high expectation that we must deliver. And most of all He lives in us through His Spirit. Yes He lives in you, you heard me well. He lives in you. Didn't the Lord Jesus say the kingdom of God is within you?

So perhaps you are currently struggling with the challenges as you build your huge life, because as a result of work and business you can't fellowship as you would like to, come on now my dear friend, trust in God's investment in you. Recognize the season, the fact that you used to go to church everyday and now you can only go some days should not be the problem if you are at war to conquer for God's glory. It's a season and it will pass. Apply yourself in faith, God is in you to help you conquer.

The church cannot be our cave where we go to hide all in the name of fellowship. We have been sent to the world to conquer for God. Come to church as much as you can but don't beat yourself up when you couldn't come a day. He is in you and you are busy looking for Him in buildings. Never forget that our enemy is cunning and he will even use your dedication to God to stop or slow you down.

The time is now to see the distinction between those who serve God and those who do not. This world needs a wake up call that the Lord is coming but those who believe in God need to manifest His power in such a way that this world takes notice. So trust me, that will never happen unless we are radical and we really trust and have confidence not just in God but in ourselves as well. It's all a matter of attitude; your spirit and your faith in God. So hear me when I say, you've got this, for real,you can really do it...believe me, He LIVES in you, what could be impossible to you, just trust His investment in you.