Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Never been sure....continues

How is it possible? As hard as it is to believe I have been betrayed, by my own family, the people I have looked up to for years, whose teachings have shaped my character and inspired me to be the best I can be, yet here we are today, unspoken enemies…

Not until my God given sista Charmaine decided I should leave Johannesburg for a few days and join her in Durban did it dawn on me, just how I was letting myself down and believing the lie again. Charmaine, Charmaine, Charmaine… the love of my life, my sista from another mother, a chapter on her own, I tell you. Walk with me and I will tell you more about her later. As I was saying, it was not until she dragged me to Durban and surrounded me with our friends that love me, her family showering me with tons of love and crazy attention, even giving me my 1st EID experience with her 2nd family, the Dawood’s in Chatsworth, did it occur to me….I have been here before, this dark painful place of confusion was familiar yet it had lost its sting, these were nothing but kicks of a dying horse, as clear as daylight it dawn on me once more, my circumstances didn’t define me, they never did, n they never will…period!

Despite all the plotting and devious dealings of the other people around me I am still here. My mind forced me to realize that, I can make a choice to curl myself up in the corner, hide my pretty face, and die as others wished or I can listen to my mind and the brilliant ideas that are flooding my head everyday and make something of my life for me. I am not here to impress anyone but me, I am not here to be great so I can brag to anyone or to prove anything to anyone but to me.

So what’s your freaking point Zee…maybe you ask? It’s clear…for every action there is a re-action, it is the law of nature. With every passing day we die, yes we were born to live and live gloriously for that matter, yet we die with each passing second. It’s a spiritual conflict beyond our comprehension, but one thing is for sure, if you was brave enough to be born, you are brave enough to survive anything this world can throw at you…all you have to do is…APPLY YOUR MIND…you are STILL here, regardless of it all.

No matter if your setbacks were self-inflicted or if they were carefully orchestrated by others, they should not define you…you are STILL here, whether for a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade or a freaking millennium, you are STILL here, make yourself count to yourself and nobody else…your life is within you and not in anything or anyone around you, trust me the breath in your nostrils is the Almighty’s and the faith in your heart is a piece of God in you, do not believe the lie…you are not dead yet…you are STILL here, and anything is possible.

Maybe you ask yourself, why should I listen to you, what do you know or better yet who do you think you are to lecture me…this is why I hope you will listen to me, the malicious job loss drama I began this story with, is actually the closing scene of this chapter of my life. A life that began 18yrs ago, a sequence of highest highs and deepest lows, indescribable joy and also unbelievable heart wrenching sadness at times. Are you still not sure? Why don’t I just paint the picture for you and you can draw your own conclusions…

18 years ago I was this young, naïve but extremely curious cute gal….(to be continued)

ZeeK Love

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