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Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Another Easter weekend approaches...

Allow me to say something especially to all of us who claim to be Christians as yet another Good Friday approaches. Again we remember that "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son", the reason God did that was to save us from death right? Before we get busy looking for palm branches to begin commemorating the last week of the Lord Jesus on earth, wouldn't it be more profitable if we looked deep inside us and made sure that this is not just another religious celebration but that all the commemorating actually brings change and adds value to our lives.

The Lord died to save us from sin. Why though? When we sin, does He stop being God? Does that tamper in anyway with His Divinity? Obviously not, however sin changes us. It weakens us, draining us of all authority and confidence. It taints our spirit, thus rendering us vulnerable and susceptible to all kinds of evil attacks. Sin becomes like a virus in our spiritual system, weakening our spiritual immune system, our faith. Just as most people die of opportunistic diseases when they have HIV, the same applies in our faith.

When storms and challenges rise in our walk of faith, you find giants of faith fall before what seems to be small situations, all because of the sin in their heart. And what could easily be faced by faith becomes an enormous mountain, because the spirit is tainted and one has no confidence to put up a convincing fight. Sadly, they cannot even convince themselves that God is with them, how then can they convince their challenger.

As we remember the last week of our Lord beginning this Sunday, perhaps we need to analyse our attitude towards sin and take advantage of the grace offered to us through His sacrifice on the cross, because the truth is, it is indeed for freedom that he set us, and we should not let ourselves be bound again by the yoke of sin. Meet you at calvary, my dear friend, where one sign from God will definitely change all our lives!!!!

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