Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whose will really...yours or His?

Every time we say your will be done and not mine, do we ever stop to really process what we saying? Because many times people say that and yet wait, hoping for things to turn out the way they are playing out in their heads. If we claim to believe in the God of the Bible isn't it high time we trusted Him completely?. We cannot live our lives trying to manipulate Him into revenge, or to do things in our lives just so the others can see He is with us.

The next time you are tempted to say your will and not mine, be prepared that His will might not be the same as what you expect, since He is God Omnipotent, Omniscient and ever present.However His will for our lives is perfect, was recorded in the Bible before we were born. All we need is to trust it wholeheartedly. He is love, holy, pure,and completely perfect. There is nothing evil in Him. He has our best interest at heart...truth is His will and purposes prevail, always...His will and His will alone endures forever!!!!

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