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Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Monday, April 11, 2011

And we call ourselves Christians...

Allow me to address my fellow believers this morning, myself included. We call ourselves Christians because we claim to believe in Christ from whom our identity is supposed to originate, our so called Lord and Saviour,yet when push comes to shove, we are our own lords...our will and our purpose is what prevails, until shit around us and in our lives, hits the fan so fast that our heads are spinning and, oh, then we remember that there is a 'God' who was suppose to have our back and then we take him to task for not being there for us when we needed Him...

Let me tell you what that actually means, its like a child who comes out with a window from her dad's home and goes gallivanting with friends and goes to wherever her hearts desires, even if that child was chased out of her father's house, if she/he was raised ryt, knows better than to go gallivanting...next she/he is kidnapped, raped and injured...even if she/he was the child of President of Zuma, his power doesn't mean zilch if she is where she wasn't supposed to be...if he never gave her permission to be there, he is not responsible for her safety, let alone if he warned her in advance about such behavior....get my drift?

The most interesting thing about us 'Christians" is how we constantly stand in judgement of our fellow Christians, the most holy in their own eyes, look down on the apparently 'fallen in the faith' and wont even lift a finger to get them to come back to the Kingdom...u fall...u are dead to them...a plague to be avoided at all cost, and the 'backsliden' who want to blame their turning their back on God on the bad treatment they received from others...those just really rub me the wrong the way...i tell you.

As a member of the Universal Church for the past 18 yrs, am surrounded by a number of such, constantly bickering about how they were deceived into doing A and B...how they were betrayed by the 'Church', how they were duped into doing blah, blah and blah? My question to you is...aren't you supposed to be Bible believing Christians? Isn't He the same who doesn't sleep or slumber...who knows the motives behind the thoughts of each and every man? Or you tryna tell me that He doesn't have the power to defend you from your so called 'oppressors'....gimme a break, a big one nogal!!

Let me be honest with you, most of us who call ourselves Christians have no intention of being true to our faith, we want it to fit itself in our lives, which will never work...tell me where are the people you claim ruined yr life by lying to you in the name of God, when we drink ourselves to a stupor and sleep around as if theres no tomorrow...the married constantly cheating on their spouses and some of us busy making money thru lies and illegal deals.

We lie, cheat, steal, gossip, slander and deceive like the world is coming to an end and wonder why we are constantly bitter and have little if any success in anything we do.We busy watching and dissecting the lives of others, sometimes even planting doubt in the hearts of those who are still in the faith simple because we do not have the courage to look at our downfall and be real about who we are, repent and give ourselves a fighting chance. And we blame them for treating us as if we are dead to them?

You believe people, your church and Christianity has changed, that people are making a name for themselves and use others to get what they want...let God deal with such...because He hasn't changed, but your potion is to honor the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only one who gave His life to save you from eternal damnation and before whom you will stand to give account for your deeds...you claim people deceive others and make themselves rich in the name of God....what are you doing then to honor the very Name...wish I cud say we are doing nothing, but that will be a lie....coz we are doing something, just it is the opposite, we are dragging it in the mud...other people's shortcomings are not your passport to sin....there I said it...sue me!!!

ZeeK love...

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