Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A thousand identities...

One of the things most of us struggle with is having a defined identity, you know, knowing exactly who you are and what you stand for without wavering. Truth is, in this world not even one of us is perfect and from time to time, we all need guidance, correction, teaching and molding. However for that to happen effectively one needs to know exactly who they are, to make sure they do not run the risk of having a chameleon personality...ending up having such an identity crisis, that out of the thousand identities they are trying to emulate they find that they actually have absolutely no idea which one is who they are.

An unfortunate truth is, in their quest to teach, some people can get it wrong, and can misunderstand a trait in your personality, misunderstanding your drive, read your actions wrongly, all in all assume the worst about you completely. For an example, say you are a front sitter, in every meeting or class you attend you always sit in the front, or perhaps you are always taking the initiative to get things done, whatever the task, you always are in the fore front, always having ideas of how things can be done better and faster.Or perhaps you are a person that has a specific way of dressing, always making the effort to look prim, proper and presentable at all times.

Now to some people this can be read wrong and you can find yourself confronted about it or sidelined for it, all in the name of humbling you. Now what will be a shame, is if you do not have a defined identity, and you start questioning your own motives. In life comes a time when you have to trust your intentions, as long as you know that they are right as far as the Word of God is concerned, that your actions come from a pure place, and you are in complete with peace with God, don't change who you are to be accepted. Stand by your faith, and God will honor it with time.

This has absolutely nothing to do with being stubborn, with refusing to change bad habits, all in the name of THIS IS WHO I AM. All I'm saying is why change what is good in you only to please others, they may not understand you today, but if you stay true to you, one day they will, even if they don't, your tomorrow depends on the seeds you plant today anyway, and never on other people's opinion and assumptions about you.

1 comment:

Zandie .K said...

Hi Mrs Za

No one can be able to stand her ground or know her indentity, unless she has set standards for herself, knows her values and has taken a desion to live by them.The best way is to keep on examining yourself to see if you are still on the right track.
From Kate. Thokoza