Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not for any Tom, Dick and Harry!!

In my line of service I hear all the time the term ‘Making the difference’ , just how our service needs people who stand out, take initiatives, always ready to do not just more than expected, but are simply available to do something without waiting to be asked or pushed. And every time I hear about this concept, I’m inspired to do just that and am constantly trying to find ways to achieve this in my life. However, as glorious as this concept sounds, I have realized that not many people really do ‘make the difference’.

And guess what? I think I get why….It is because standing out is costly. Once you put yourself out there, you are exposed. Some people will totally get you, teach you, inspire you to do more, and even cheer for you, while others will unfortunately not get you at all, will judge every word you say and everything you do, hold on to all your mistakes, causing you to want to coil back to your shell and just blend in like the majority around you are doing.

In life we have a choice to be ourselves or to become our circumstances.

As long as I keep my motives pure, and am giving of myself to better the lives or others, it should not matter whether I’m understood or not, if I’m appreciated or not, if I’m ‘rewarded’ or not. My duty is to execute my duties with excellence and diligence. I am human so I am bound to make mistakes. Sometimes really bad mistakes, but that’s no train smash. I learn from them, I pick myself up and go ahead, and with that my skin will get thicker and thicker. So, every time you feel tempted to coil back because it seems really hard to be the difference, remember our eyes are at the forehead…which means if they are speaking about you, its because you are ahead of them…keep walking….don’t look back!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wish I was sorry to say this...

Picture this….I work at this organisation. I have this colleague, who for some reason unknown to me is hell bent on making my life difficult. She has nothing good to say about me, is always pointing out every mistake I make, even to the point of actually making up stories about me. This is a fact, the woman just doesn’t get me. It does not matter what I say or do…it is always misunderstood. I’m confused, frustrated and even angry at her for treating me this way. What now?

My attitude towards this person changes completely. I do not trust her, and I cannot wait for the day I will not have to deal with her, period. The catch with that is; bad attitude always shows. The next person always knows that you have that attitude towards them. They pick it up in your sighs, glances, body language, even if on the outside you seem to be submitting, but they can read you like a book. And sadly you have placed your life in their hands.

I have learnt that we give people power over our lives, by reacting to their bad antics against us. Interestingly enough, the Bible says, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,…” that to me speaks volumes coz it doesn’t specify under what circumstances does this happen. It is never what is done to me that matters, but what I do in return. If my storehouse is good, good will come out of it. I will not be remote controlled by people’s perception of me, or their unfortunate evil desire to see me fail.

Better make the choice to live my life in the hands of God, than to hand it over to men by my unwise reactions, because when I react to them, I play right into their hands. It’s a set up…they will push, push, and push your buttons, and if you snap; you will see yourself out of the organisation, not even knowing how did that happen. And all your reasons will mean nothing; coz you know what you are reaping is the fruit of your seed, your reactions towards that person, your frustration, in a nut shell, your lack of trust in God. The truth is, we have been advised to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from us. Kill your enemy with kindness, be the best at what you do, let your conscience be clear at all times.

The sooner will let God be God, the better our lives will be. No one is responsible for your having this or not having that, you are, and you alone. No one has the power to decide what happens in your life, but you. Because if the hand of God is upon you, what is men to try and impede Him from blessing you? So as I say, I really wish I was sorry to say to this, but if your life is not the way you wish it could be, stop accusing, complaining, and blaming others, because it is entirely your doing, just check your storehouse!!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Surviving or overcoming

So you have been experiencing this very hard, depressing, life draining and somewhat almost overwhelming problem in your life. This happens every now and then. Every time you tell yourself that you have overcome it, this is the last time you go through such pain, fear and confusion, only to find yourself in the same spot all over again…only with all the fears, doubts and pain multiplied and intensely.. So what is really going on? Doesn’t your faith work or is God not with you?...the list goes on of the questions that usually plague the mind at such moments.

Here is my two cents worth of understanding of the matter; it does not matter what happens to us, but how we react to every situation. If we always try to fix the symptoms but we are not real about the cause of the problem, we will always find ourselves fighting a loosing battle. It doesn’t help to just try and maintain the peace when deep inside you are secretly believing that this relationship is doomed or whatever your case maybe, you are harbouring thoughts and feelings of anger, resentment or doubts that are just waiting for the next disappointment and they will erupt to a volcano.

You can either survive a situation or completely overcome it. The key is revolt against that situation, but how do you revolt against something you do not know, or are not ready to be real about. Time to keep appearances is over. People are looking for real people to identify with, and learn from. We can never be the people we aspire to be until we are real about who we are now. You are what and who you are now, not what or who you would like to be. Look in the mirror and be real about what and who you see…that’s half a battle won against whatever it is you’ve been struggling with…like I said…my two cents worth of understanding…right there!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nothing about you surprises Him!

The truth is before we were born God already knew us, before we were formed in our mother's wombs He already knew us. Yet knowing all about our shortcomings, mistakes, and even horrible sins, He still allowed us to be born. Not only be born but gave His Son, the Lord Jesus, on the cross for us, awarding us a privilege to partake in His Divine Nature.

Having said that then I dare to say nothing about you surprises Him...nothing at all. Nothing is beyond Him. Do not let your mistakes or shortcomings and the devil himself hold you back. Coz you know what according to His Words all those have no power over your life actually. The bottom line is...you are holding yourself back, by not receiving His Love. It is easier to wallow in your sin and to keep feeling yourself or even withdrawing to your corner, than to man up to your sin, be real about it and do something about it.

So we talking about New Year's resolutions, whatever those are, some of us need to snap out their pride and take God at His word. The Bible does not exaggerate. He is faithfulness itself, which means He stands by His word, whether you believe Him or not.Whatever it is you have done, he has prepared for it, do yourself a favor and just look in His words and trust Him. Beats me why would a God who sees it at all and knows it all, still want to be partner with me with everything that I am. There must be something about me that gives Him the confidence to do that, don't you think?

Listen to me,....NOTHING ABOUT YOU SURPRISES HIM...nothing at all!!!!!