Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And what does that say about you?

People are constantly moaning about how true love does not exist in the world anymore, how impossible it is to have true friends nowadays or to even trust anyone. People are living these isolated lives in fear that if they open out to others, they will be vulnerable, that people will use what they say to them against them or will even gossip about them.

My question to you then is...when people open up to you; do you gossip about them? Do you go around spreading what people tell you in confidence? When you claim to love someone, should they believe you or you're just playing them as well, considering by your confession 'true love' does not exist in this world? So what gives us the right to make such generalized statements and deprive others of much needed relationships that would help then grow and develop in life?

I find that extremely arrogant. It's like the person is claiming to be the only remaining pure creature in this world, surrounded by these two timing, two faced lost cases all around. But like really now. To have good friends, one needs to be a good friend, period...you give to receive. I have good friends,that I even consider my family. And I never have to worry about them washing my laundry in public and them vice versa. Our love for each other is the extension of the love we have for God. We have mutual respect that stems from the people we are before God. As far as my love life is concerned, well, I've been married for 14yrs so you make your own conclusion.

So the more you choose to judge others continuously without even giving them an opportunity to prove themselves, what does that really say about you?..bottom line, we receive what we give...period!!!

1 comment:

Thuthuka said...

Period. Its a sign of pride as well. Life will be as your eyes see it