Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I DO....

To have a relationship with God is nothing but such a humbling experience. What is man that you should be so mindful of him really? In the past week I've had so many issues that I wanted to blog about. I think my mind works overtime sometimes, and my somewhat very observant nature has a life of its own. However, I sit here at this moment in awe of God, He truly is God, and only Him is really powerful and God enough to perform this miracle in our lives.

My dear friends, the Lord lives and He wants us to live as well. Somebody once said that a servant of God ought to be nothing before their very eyes, simply because the devil cannot do anything to nothing, but God can make something out of nothing. We exist in a very evil world. Our minds can never even begin to conceive how really evil this world is. Only a true and real encounter with God can save us from it.

The catch is we have a choice, we have free will. So we need to want this, period. Inside of us there is a potential for greatness. Inside every human being there is a possibility to go to both extremes. If we do not die to ourselves, our nature will take us to places we never imagined existed...ask satan, he will testify to that...but if we die to ourselves and receive the nature of God...the KINGDOM of God will be within us.

As I wake up today, I am confronted by the fact that I love God. I love Him so much my heart is literally shaking within me. I have always said if there is anything I know for sure is that I love God, but it has never hit me as it does right now, at this very moment. He is all I live for, and who He is, is who I want to be. I'm definitely a work progress, but He will complete the work He began in my life, because He lives, me too I live.

Right now, at this very moment, nothing and no-one matters, not even me, my dreams or worse; my desires, but HIM


Nqophi said...

this is awesome, thanx and He truly is God!

Zee Ntloko said...

He truly is neh Nqophi...thanks hey