Welcome to my space

Share my thoughts with me...I cannot promise you that I have something new and profound to say to you, but I hope to remind you of the basic truths of life as we both grow to being better citizens of our world...I'm always thinking out loud...so be loud with me ok?

Monday, February 8, 2010

What's the quality of your life?

Many times I hear that all those baptized in the Holy Spirit speak in tongues and yet not all who speak in tongues are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Interesting observation indeed, and it's just as true when we look at the concept of being 'blessed'. I believe that not all people who receive certain breakthroughs in life are necessarily blessed, and yet all who are truly blessed breakthrough in all areas of their life, get it?

Ok, ok, let me try and break it down; I strongly believe that, the fact that a person has received a certain 'blessing' e.g. car, house, marriage, position of power, business, etc... doesn't necessarily mean that they are blessed. Otherwise the many unbelievers who work hard and achieve great material conquest should be considered as blessed as well.

I believe that the true blessing is the greatest miracle any human can ever experience, the nature of God in us. When we get born of God, the quality of our life changes. And this cannot be demonstrated only by the 'material or physical things' we conquer. It is the person we become. The person we are when things are going exactly the way we want them or when they flip and the rug is pulled right under our feet and things go to the extreme opposite.

The person you are behind your closed doors, when you seem to lack nothing, where is your heart? And also when you are hard pressed in every direction and it seems as if your world is crumbling down before your eyes, where is your heart, then? What if you face temptation? where then is your heart? What is the conviction your carry in your heart about yourself and about God? From where do you draw your strength? Does it bother you what people say or think about you, to the fact that it defines who you are?

When you can sincerely answer these questions, being as real as you can be with yourself, you will know what quality your life has.No one can tell another if they are born of God or not, but if you are, you know and you know as well if you are not. You can have all the power and 'blessings' that are visible to the outside world, but perhaps behind close doors you are weak, you have a very restless spirit, you cannot say no to your heart, you secretly hate and envy others, you have a hole in the middle of your chest and have no idea how to fill it...again I say God is real, and the throne of grace is waiting for all who humble themselves...nothing is impossible with God.

Never let your 'blessings' deceive you!!!!


Donna said...

Great post Z and a great message, certainly food for thought, keep bringing them on. God bless you.

Zee Ntloko said...

Thanks very much Donna, that means a lot coming from you my dear friend..

Anonymous said...

You know what I have enjoyed reading your view on things, I have made a realisation that I need to invest in knowing God. I have come to realise that we as Christians we rely on teachings not revelation, we know the Word but seldom we catch the Spirit. I therefore took steps back sifted all add on rules versus what God wants. I make mistakes and I go on I do not punish myself and always wanting to be perfect before God, its an interesting journey. Sisi His love is truly liberating.

Welcome Shonai said...

thank you so much,you know what,the difference is that you thought this aloud first,but you are not alone,i agree with you word for word,Do not be discouraged,instead be determined and confident,you are on the right track

Zee Ntloko said...

@ Anonymous...yes it is an interesting journey indeed...and as long as we remain teachable, we should be fine...we live and learn, my dear friend!!!

Zee Ntloko said...

@ Welcome...thanks hey, hope to hear more from you.

Ndodana Hadebe said...

first of all l believe everything belongs to God. A true blessing is a miracle something impossible. Some are blessed spiritualy other are financial. Well who am l tö judge?